The Dory Festivalfrom hold to hold
August 27 & 28, 2022

The Dory Festival

from hold to hold

A colorful and friendly maritime festival which gathers every year a fleet of about a hundred dories which sails from hold to hold and links the 2 banks of La Rance throughout the weekend. There are also sea skiffs and old riggings, all passionate about the history of the Terre-Neuvas.


for sailing lovers

The Rendezvous

This event aims to bring together around the Rance river lovers of navigation, history and heritage.The Dory Festival is organized by the Association for the Development of the Rance Valley (A.D.V.R.), which includes 12 municipalities bordering the Rance, from St. Malo and Dinard in the north, to Pleudihen-sur-Rance in the south.

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