Playa Tour Ufolep - 11au13juil2022

Playa Tour - Ufolep

Sports in Saint-Malo
  • First multisport and citizen tour of France.
    This summer event tours beaches and inland bodies of water, rural or urban.

    By offering a great diversity of activities, it is aimed at all audiences, and invites them through openness, to reflect on issues of well-being, health, prevention and awareness, addictive drifts, environmental education and the benefits of physical and sports activities.
    Its contribution to local animation, its growing notoriety, its educational and civic objectives...
    First multisport and citizen tour of France.
    This summer event tours beaches and inland bodies of water, rural or urban.

    By offering a great diversity of activities, it is aimed at all audiences, and invites them through openness, to reflect on issues of well-being, health, prevention and awareness, addictive drifts, environmental education and the benefits of physical and sports activities.
    Its contribution to local animation, its growing notoriety, its educational and civic objectives meet the needs of the territories, of its actors, and allow their development.
    Showcase of a new sporting culture, the Ufolep Playa Tour is one of the sporting events that must bring all audiences to a physical and sporting practice, adapted, fun and regular.

    from 5 years old - Free individual registrations 30 min before the start
  • Environment
    • Direct access to the beach
  • Spoken languages
    • French