Saint-Malo Agglomeration has established a community tourist tax on 17 municipalities of the Agglomeration (except Hirel *).the tourist tax applies throughout the year, per night and per adult, for all tourist accommodation located on 17 municipalities of Saint-Malo; this tax is established on people who are not domiciled in the municipality and do not have a residence for which they are liable for the tax of housing.The tourist tax applies to all types of accommodation, classified or not.*Hirel town hall: 02 99 48 93 93The Ille et Vilaine departmental council has voted to introduce an additional tax on the tourist tax, starting on January 1, 2020. The additional tax of the department is backed by the rates of the tourist tax of Saint-Malo Agglomeration. It amounts to 10% of the rates of the tourist tax of Saint-Malo Agglomeration and is collected according to the same procedures as the tourist tax to which it is added.

Saint-Malo Agglomeration
Service Taxe de Séjour
Saint-Malo AgglomerationThe services of the Tourist Tax of Saint-Malo Agglomeration remain at your disposal to inform you and accompany you in the collection, declaration and payment of the tourist tax.For any question about the tourist tax, contact us: By mail: taxedesejour@stmalo-agglomeration.frPar telephone: 02 99 40 71 34Site of the tourist tax
romantic Brittany
The Community of Communes of Romantic Brittany has instituted a tax on real stay on its entire territory. This tax is governed by a deliberation voted by the community council of the Community of Communes of Romantic Brittany.
Tourist tax service
Romantic BrittanyThe services of the Community of Communes of Romantic Brittany remain at your disposal to inform you and accompany you in the collection, declaration and payment of the tourist tax.For any question about the tourist tax, contact us.By mail: bretagneromantique@taxesejour.frPar telephone: 02 99 45 99 59Service Taxe de séjour
Country of Dol - Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel
The Community of Communes of the Pays de Dol and the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel has instituted a real tourist tax on its entire territory.
Tourist tax service
Country of Dol - Bay of Mont-Saint-MichelFor any question about the tourist tax, contact us : By phone : 02 99 80 19 86Site of the Tourist Tax Pays de Dol – Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel