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You want to join the Accueil Vélo approach….

Accueil Vélo label

Surveys conducted by the Regional Observatory of Tourism in Brittany show that hiking and walking are among the activities favored by visitors.This is also the finding that the Tourism Engineering Pole of the Local Public Company Saint-Malo Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. Our Destination is fortunate to be crossed by greenways:

  • The Eurovélo 4, also called Vélomaritime, Greenway from Kiev to Roscoff via Mont-Saint-Michel and Saint-Malo for cycling.
  • The Greenway V42 linking Saint-Malo to Arzal and the V43 linking Saint-Malo to Rhuys for cycling.

Your accommodation may be eligible to enter the qualification process, via the Accueil Vélo brand. (In addition for accommodation only, you can join the network Etape Rando Bretagne free of charge, subject to offering the mandatory services of the standard).

What criteria?

Application for the Accueil Vélo mark is a voluntary process.

To be labeled, depending on the type of equipment:accommodation, leisure structure and bike rental and / or repair, you must:

  • be located within 5 km of the greenways,
  • have certain specific services established in the national grid Accueil Vélo.

For accommodation only:

  • be registered in a quality label: Gîtes de France, Clévacances, BnB…
  • propose a stay per night

How to obtain the label:

If you are interested in a visit advice for your accommodation, thank you to inform this reply coupon

  1. Our on-site visit verifies that the establishment meets the criteria of the quality standards.
  2. If you meet all the criteria and you want to commit, signature of the commitment of the Referential Accueil Vélo
  3. Payment of a financial contribution for the Accueil Vélo brand, in the amount of 200 euros for 3 years(the financial contribution is intended to cover the costs inherent in the provision of communication tools: adhesive, plate, publication on regional and national sites).
  4. The label is obtained for 3 years. It allows you to benefit from communication on the national site France Vélo Tourisme, the regional site Tourisme Bretagne and the site

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