Tourism & Handicap

Tourism & Handicap

For a tourist with a disability, the state mark Tourism & Handicap is proof of the owner’s concrete commitment to accessibility, as well as the guarantee of an effective welcome adapted according to the disability (auditory, mental, motor, visual) by giving him or her maximum autonomy.For tourism professionals, it isa competitive advantage.The Tourism & Handicap mark is first of all a recognition for the efforts of tourism professionals in terms of accessibility and reception of specific clienteles who become actors and ambassadors of the reception of the disabled public. In addition to the existing labels and classifications, a state mark can bring added value to your establishment.

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What criteria?

The Tourism & Handicap mark is a voluntary approach: tourism professionals commit to offering services and equipment that guarantee safety and autonomy for people with disabilities.

  • The criteria of the specifications are identical throughout the national territory, in accordance with the 2005 accessibility law
  • The Tourism & Handicap mark allows, in the general tourism offer, to distinguish establishments providing services for the reception of people with disabilities
  • 4 families of disability are taken into account: motor, auditory, visual, mental (2 are necessary to obtain the label)
  • The Mark is awarded for 5 years

Then you get free communication on the following site:

How to get the mark?

You can do a self-diagnosis of your establishment by a first reading of the Tourism & Handicap specifications.

  1. We can carry out a pre-diagnosis of your tourist facility
  2. Then it is up to you to make the necessary adjustments before registering for an official assessment
  3. When you feel you are ready, you make your official application to obtain the mark
  4. When you are registered, the date of your assessment is set according to your availability. The visit is conducted by 2 evaluators. A summary sheet relating the points of non-conformity by disability, with precise recommendations to remedy them is then sent to you.
  5. Once all the supporting documents have been transmitted, your file goes to the Regional Commission for validation. You must meet all the criteria for at least 2 disabilities.
  6. Without requesting additional evidence, you get the mark for a period of 5 years.

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