or when you organize a nature outing with your uncles, aunts, cousins and great-cousin to discover a hidden treasure!”The idea came from one of my uncles: to go for a walk on the Hermelles bank. Luckily, La Maison de la Baie in Le Vivier-sur-Mer proposes this hike! At the beginning, I had to promote it within my family, which is my job, and to reassure the future participants about the duration of the hike… Yes, 12 kilometers is tiring! But fortunately this walk is done barefoot so we don’t wear out our shoes! We are far from imagining what awaits us and the encounters we will make but one thing is sure that we will have a good time as a family!”
Arrives the D-day, Yannick, expert of the bay, welcomes us. And Mr. “indispensable” explains to us that without him we would not be able to do this walk! Because in the Bay of the Mont-Saint-Michel all the paths are not good and getting stuck in the mud is not a good plan! From there, our exploration begins to discover this hidden treasure of the Bay of the Mont-Saint-Michel, the Hermelles bank.backpack, camera, bare feet and let’s go for a hike!The backpack in place, the camera around the neck, here we go for this day, not without apprehension but with a lot of enthusiasm to be in family and enjoy the fresh air that this expedition offers.
Here, photo breaks are required!”
To the delight of my uncles photographers, this walk was punctuated with many photo breaks. Lens launched, focus ok ! Here we go for a shooting of the stars of the Bay. It’s the Fashion Bay, with the Mont Saint-Michel as Top Model! And as a guest of honor, my little cousin who takes great pleasure in this discovery, with her little red boots! She makes us realize that it is necessary to be amazed by everything. Lesson well understood by her father who, himself, marvels at this little darling.
Even if the photo breaks are welcome, another break is necessary: the picnic break! It was so nice to enjoy your sandwich in the bay with such a beautiful view (I’ll skip the details of a picnic break in my family, but I can tell you that there was more than just ham and butter!)
After the picnic break and the numerous photo breaks, we move to THE discovery of the day, because in the bay, we know, the Mont Saint-Michel, we know, the salt meadows sheep! But the Hermelles bank, what is it really? In the distance, black spots on the ground, close up a colony of small cushions ! It’s not a colony of birds, nor fish, nor shells, it’s a colony of marine worms! Worms that build their houses, architectural feats … from the T2 to the castle (of sand) through the loft! And yes, we are not talking about a summer camp but a colony of marine worms who build sand tubes. And all this superposition of tubes forms a real reef of more than 100 hectares and more than 1,50 meter high. A construction that would make Vauban pale! Of course less solid than the ramparts but which also resists to the tidal waves! We admire the work of these worms, constructions with thousand holes which make us think of small cushions. It is fascinating to observe, we do not touch, of course. They are protected species! Yannick explains us the different inhabitants of this bank, because the Hermelles cohabit with shells, oysters… Ah, nothing better than a roommate ! During the nap break for my little cousin, quiet on her mother’s back, our exploration of the bay is spiced up by mud breaks. A real communion with the matter, some even communed up to the knees! And yes, in the bay, we have to know where we put our feet … and not only in the sheep’s meadow. Yannick shows us the way, to avoid ending up in the pottery! To finish this walk by the pleasure of cleaning our feet with the vegetation of the polders. More than efficient solution! In the bay, every problem has its solution! Imagine the feeling of freshness on our feet after walking all day.
The Hermelles bank thus form a barrier that allows a whole fauna to hide there on over 100 hectares
The Bay is a multitude of colors, green, gray, beige, blue, red … The green of the vegetation of the polders, the yellow of the sand, the black of the head of the sheep, the blue of the sea and the sky (sometimes), the gray of the mud and the sky (sometimes), the red of the boots of my little cousin … We took plenty of it with this palette of colors that offers itself to us the bay!
An extraordinary discovery of the Hermelles bank and the Bay as we are unlikely to see it. We were guided by an expert, who knew how to share his knowledge with the whole group, which fascinated us! We took advantage of the fresh air, we didn’t lose anyone, we met people and above all we made a beautiful discovery! The walk ends at the time of the snack, what luck! Appointment at the seaside for an apple juice and a chocolate bread, in the family, we know how to organize ourselves!
We managed to get a change of scenery for a day!
To discover our 8 preserved treasures!